Kheppi pipl (2006): 1:36:40 - 1:37:47 A Russian man gives the keys to his car to a Hare Krishna chanting party! Also, they are very sweetly singing one of the Hare Krishna devotees' favorite tunes. Very good! If you know Russian and have the time to, using as a reference, watch the entire movie on while taking notes, then please answer the following questions: Who is the man with the sunglasses, and what does he say? Where does the scene take place? What is the basic plot of the movie? By the way, this movie is also known as "Смотрите также" and "Happy People." Happy People (Film Title),Kheppi pipl (Film Title),Смотрите также (Film Title),2006 (Film Release Year),???? (Film Actor),Comedy (Film Genre)